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Things to do in Mabini, Batangas, Philippines (Mt. Gulugod Baboy & more)

By: Lyza Paloma

If you want to experience a hike to the mountain and check out the sea in a day, you can do so in Mabini, Batangas. Mabini is home to Mt. Gulugod-Baboy, a manageable mountain for beginners, Anilao or Sombrero Islands, where you can end your day at the beach. Here’s our list of things to do in Mabini, Batangas, Philippines!

Travel Guide to Mabini, Batangas, Philippines (Mt. Gulugod Baboy & more)
Photo from Jose Nicdao CC BY 2.0

Mabini is a municipality in Batangas named after the Philippine Hero, Apolinario Mabini. It is where Mount Gulugod-Baboy lies. There are three peaks; the Gulugod Baboy, Tore, and Pinagbanderahan, where a Japanese placed a flag during WW2 once. Mabini is also famous for muck diving, where you could see elusive creatures deep down.

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Things to do in Mabini, Batangas

Travel Guide to Mabini, Batangas, Philippines (Mt. Gulugod Baboy & more)
Photo by jeff~ CC BY 2.0

1. Trek Mt. Gulugod Baboy

Do you want to see a view of Batangas, the Balayan Bay, or the Taal Volcano? Then off you go to Mt. Gulugod Baboy. It is 525 meters above sea level and very easy for beginners. Don’t forget to bring water as you ascend to the summit; you might get thirsty along the way.

2. Dive at Anilao

Anilao is a barangay in Mabini, Batangas and very popular for underwater sports. It is also said to be the birthplace of scuba diving in the country. Experience muck diving as you swim with turtles, corals, and rare sea creatures like the frogfish and stonefish. It’s one of the best diving destinations in the Philippines. Try doing so from October to May.

3. Visit an Island

In the Balayaban Bay, a few minutes boat ride from Mabini, is a tiny island that looks like a hat; Sombrero Island. With white sand and not much shade, you’ll surely get a tan during your visit. Prepare your snorkel gear, though, as you can dive to see colorful fishes. Be careful of the current, though.


Here are the expenses you might incur during your trip.

  • Gulugod Baboy Fee – PHP 40
  • Guide Fee – PHP 500
  • Sombrero Island Entrance Fee – PHP 200
  • Boat Fee to Sombrero Island – PHP 3,000 – 4,000 per boat
Travel Guide to Mabini, Batangas, Philippines (Mt. Gulugod Baboy & more)
Photo by Pailo O CC BY 2.0

How to get to Mabini, Batangas

From Manila

  • Ride a bus to going to Batangas Grand Terminal (PHP 150 – 175)
  • From the Terminal, ride a jeep to Anilao

To Mt. Gulugod Baboy

  • Tell the jeepney driver to drop you off at Philpan Dive Resort, which is the jump-off point
  • If you are driving, you can search for “Philpan Dive Resort” and drive your way there

To Sombrero Island

  • Ask the jeepney to drop you off at Anilao Port
  • If you are driving, you can search for “Anilao Port” and drive your way there
  • Rent a boat to Sombrero Island

Travel Guide Tips to Mabini, Batangas

Travel Guide to Mabini, Batangas, Philippines (Mt. Gulugod Baboy & more)
Photo by Jun Acullador CC BY-ND 2.0
  • Wear proper gear as you climb to Mt. Gulagod Baboy
  • Guides are not required, but it’s recommended especially if you are a newbie
  • Bring food or water during your trip; there is no store on the summit
  • You can stay at the resorts in Anilao and get also deals there to dive or go to some islands
  • If you want to spend more time, you can ride a boat to Tingloy, which is another town

Sample Itinerary in Mabini, Batangas

3:00 AM – Travel to Batangas
5:00 AM – Arrive at Batangas Grand Terminal
6:00 AM – Arrive at Philpan Dive Resort / Breakfast
7:00 AM – Start Trek to Mt. Gulagod Baboy
9:00 AM – Arrive at Summit / Photo Op
10:00 AM – Start descending
11:30 AM – Arrive at the Resort / Lunch
12:30 PM – Off to Anilao Port for Sombrero Island
1:30 PM – Arrival at the Island / Swim / Snorkel / Dive
4:00 PM – Back to the Mainland
5:00 PM – Arrive at the mainland / Wash Up
6:00 PM – Back to Manila

Travel Guide to Mabini, Batangas, Philippines (Mt. Gulugod Baboy & more)
Photo by Doods Dumaguing CC BY 2.0

You could surely enjoy a day in Mabini to climb Mt. Gulagod Baboy and dive in Anilao. It’s convenient and easy for beginners; you could relax, too! I hope that our list of things to do in Mabini, Batangas helps your future trip there. Happy Travels!

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About the Writer

Lyza Paloma

Hey, I’m Lyza! I once was a person who just imagined going to places “one day” but decided to pursue my dreams. My first travel abroad was in Japan, solo, last 2018, and I fell in love with the experience. I aim to visit 10 countries before turning 30 and 2 new places in the Philippines every year. Besides traveling, I love organizing trips, taking pictures, reading, and making new friends. Follow my adventures through my Instagram.

The original content (article & images) is owned by Lyza Paloma. Visit the site here for other interesting stories.

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