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Welcome to world’s most Haunted hang-outs!


It’s close to midnight and something evil’s lurking in the dark…

It’s our Halloween hang-out blog! Hopefully you aren’t spending Halloween in one of these spooky locations; with vampires lurking in the dark, ghosts of bloody Japanese soldiers and possessed toy dolls these are some of the most haunted hot-spots in the world. So to get you in the mood for this year’s festivities, just imagine spending the night in one of these places…

Reader beware you’re in for a scare.

Bhangarh Fort – Rajasthan, India

Bhangarh Fort, Rajasthan India

Said to be one of the most haunted places in the world let alone India. Bhangarh Fort was built in the early 1600s by King Sawai Madho Singh to protect the town and the royal palace. Legend has it that a sorcerer fell in love with the King’s daughter and while trying to seduce her, he died (not ideal) and cursed the town to be destroyed. Coincidentally, soon after he died the town was invaded by an army and destroyed. TYPICAL.

Locals won’t live anywhere near the fort, people are forbidden to visit after dark because of ghosts, and houses in the village nearby don’t have roofs on them as people fear that they will collapse. WEIRD. Fancy spending the night?

Old Changi Hospital – Changi, Singapore

Old Changi hospital

Looks proper creepy doesn’t it? This spooky building was once a hospital in Singapore during the 1930s. However, it was seized by the Japanese during World War 2 and became a torture facility for the Japanese secret police. Loads of weird things have been seen here including ghosts of old patients and bloody Japanese soldiers all of whom roam the corridors and old hospital wards at night. Creepy.

Highgate Cemetery – North London, England

Highgate Cemetery

This place gives me the serious heebie-jeebies. Highgate Cemetery was built in 1839 and is home to over 170,000 graves including a few famous names like Karl Marx, Douglas Adams and Jeremy Beadle. There have been many supernatural sightings throughout the years including the Highgate Vampire, a tall man, in a long dark coat with a terrifying gaze (…and pointy fangs, just kidding). As well as lots of other dark figures, ominous glowing eyes and a crazy old woman running around the tombs looking for children she murdered. *shudders*

Lawang sewu – Indonesia

Lawang Sewu

Originally built in 1917 as the headquarters for the Dutch East Indies Railway Company, Lawang Sewu meaning “a thousand doors” gets its name from the building’s design with its ample doors and archways and about 600 windows. During World War 2 the Japanese occupied Indonesia, took over the headquarters and turned it into a brutal detention camp. Prisoners were interrogated, tortured and even killed. Today it’s said to be extremely haunted and many tourists hunt for ghosts among the rotting rooms and between the crumbling arches. In 2007 it was the back drop to an Indonesian horror movie.

Monte Cristo Homestead – New South Wales, Australia

Monte Cristo homestead

The Monte Cristo Homestead is one of the most haunted houses in Australia. The current occupier Mrs. Ryan, claims to feel the presence of the original owners Christopher and Elizabeth Crawley. Mrs Ryan said the strange goings on all started when she first moved into the house with her late husband, all of the lights were on even though the house was not connected to electricity.

Since then there have been a number of accidents that are just too weird to be coincidental; like a child being dropped down the stairs by their nanny, a maid committing suicide and a caretaker being shot dead in 1961. Mrs Ryan has even claimed to have felt a hand on her shoulder. It’s all just a bit weird.

Island of the Dolls – Xochimilco, Mexico

Island of the dolls


OK now that looks SERIOUSLY scary. Isla de las Munecas just south of Mexico City along the Xochimico canals, is covered in lots of freaky toy dolls. But the story behind it is actually pretty sad, according to legend a young girl drowned under mysterious circumstances on the island. Don Julian Santana Barrera the island’s caretaker tried to save the girl but couldn’t. He then hung a doll he’d found floating in the river on a tree as mark of respect. Today there are hundreds of dolls and the island has become a bit of a tourist attraction. According to locals the dolls are possessed by the little girl’s spirit and many people have claimed to see the dolls move or even open their eyes!

The Queen Mary Hotel – Long Beach, California, United States

Queen Mary Hotel

The Queen Mary ship docked in Long Beach California, was once a luxury ocean liner transporting the world’s rich and famous across the Atlantic. Some of its passengers were very famous like the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, Greta Garbo and Clark Gable. When World War 2 hit it became a troopship known as the “Grey Ghost”. Today it is known as one of the most haunted hotels in the US and many strange paranormal activities having been reported. The most famous story is of two women drowning in the first class swimming pool, their ghosts have been spotted on board ever since. Very odd.

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