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Be happy and make a travel enquiry today!

By: Peter Jones

All of the travel-related news recently in regard to being able to travel and book holidays is all a bit doom and gloom. But I am here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be that way at all. For many of us, the big fat problem about this pandemic is the fact that we can’t plan ahead and that we have to take every day as it comes. This then results in us putting no dates in the diary and therefore we have nothing to look forward to.

Be happy

To be happy, people need things to look forward to and that is fact. As when we have something to look forward to, it makes it easier to get through rough, frustrating and annoying times. I am sure you will all agree with me that we are collectively in one of those times right now. As human beings we need things in our future to be excited and optimistic about and I 100% believe that having something to look forward to is the very key to happiness.

Create something to look forward to today

We have been told not to book any holidays. But this does not mean that you can’t start your travel planning and I urge you to submit your travel enquiry now. With time on our hands, I highly recommend that you begin researching the country or countries that you want to travel to and start contacting a couple of travel companies now.

Look at travelling with independent travel companies. Also, why not get your diary out right now and start penciling in dates of planned events and holidays that you would like to materialise. We have to create some optimism for the future and have certain dates to look forward to.

My top tips

– Get your creative travel juices flowing.
– Spend time planning now while you can.
– Research and contact the companies your interested in traveling with.
– Get your travel itinerary confirmed and priced up now in preparation.
– Give yourselves something to look forward to and regain some happiness.
– I recommend looking at winter sun destinations to give the vaccine time to be rolled out.
– Start dreaming of travelling again.
– Make a travel enquiry.

Help save the travel industry enquiry by enquiry

Doing this will create a stimulus which will greatly help the travel industry get moving again. By making an enquiry and putting a provisional booking on hold will create a much-needed boost to both your happiness and the travel industries wellbeing. The biggest time constraint faced is in regard to getting the itinerary just right and confirmed. This process can often take a few weeks if done properly and If you’re not just booking an off-the-shelf holiday. But once this is done, the travel company just needs to know the details of your flights before confirming your travel plans.

Start feeling positive about travel

Let’s all start feeling a bit more positive and start to get excited about travelling again. It will happen, it is just a matter of time. I foresee a huge rush once we are told that we can travel again. This will create a strain on the travel industry with companies desperate to take your bookings; this rush could lead to mistakes being made and the connection lost with the client. As rather than being a person, you become a number with a price on your head. Make sure that this does not happen to you and that you are already one step ahead of the game and have everything with regard to your holiday provisionally on hold in advance.

So, start creating some happiness and optimism today!

And start planning what will most likely be the most important and rewarding holiday you will likely ever have. As after being cooped up for such a long period of time, we all need to get our in to the world and let our hair down.

Peter Jones is the Company Founder of See Asia Differently. See Asia Differently is an independent travel company specialising in unique, truer travelling experiences and holidays to South East Asia.

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The original content (article & images) is owned by Peter Jones. Visit the site here for other interesting stories.

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