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My New Patreon Page & What It Means For My Work

By: Matt Long

Matt Canyonlands utah

When the severity of the global pandemic began to dawn on us collectively back in the carefree days of early March, I personally didn’t think either the threat or restrictions would last very long. Looking back at it I’m not sure why or how I thought that, maybe it was just wishful thinking, but now that it’s August I think it’s safe to say that no matter how all of this ends, it is an event that will forever change our culture.

In the interim, we have all had to figure out what this means for us personally. Like millions of others, my job essentially disappeared overnight. Ad revenue, sponsorships, paid content opportunities and of course travel itself simply went away and its return doesn’t look imminent. Even when things do return to certain level of normalcy, we’ll have to each decide for ourselves how we want to move forward.

Enter Patreon.

Like so many other things, this is probably something I should’ve started a long time ago, but for many reasons I just didn’t. When things were easy I went after the more corporate jobs because the pay was better and the process was easier. In the quarantine, I think I avoided it because it would have meant accepting the fact that this brave new world is in fact a new world. I was in denial and yes, I was depressed. I’ve started to pick myself back up though and in so doing, I realize the wide-ranging effects that a successful Patreon page could have, namely allowing me to return to more a more insightful style of storytelling.

While starting this Patreon page may be a direct reaction to job losses during the pandemic, I think it’s an opportunity for me to get back to the real storytelling that I love so very much. Corporate and destination sponsorships and paid opportunities are great, but too many of them can stifle one’s voice and creativity. But future patrons will help me get back to that spirit of exploration that I love so very much, sharing colorful and engaging stories along the way.

Matt Virginia

So, what is Patreon exactly? Patreon is a site where artists and creators create additional content for their communities. What’s offered differs from person to person, but for me I’ve decided to produce and make available to patrons many special features including:

  • Bonus podcast episodes just for patrons
  • New blog posts and photos reserved just for this community
  • Monthly livestreaming Q&A sessions
  • Travel itinerary planning
  • One-on-one video chats with me
  • Access to any events I plan
  • Special merchandise and prints

This is a way to learn even more about travel, enjoy bonus podcast episodes and, yes, help me continue the work that is very much my life’s passion. I started LandLopers ten years ago and very quickly made it my full time career. It was the culmination of a lifetime of passion for exploring the world and learning as much about it as possible. I’m not ready to give any of that up and I think this new community model of engagement is the best way to move forward.

Just go to my new Patreon page, pick your subscription level, and you’re in!

I appreciate anything you can do to help me continue to produce amazing content and to help you plan your own adventures for when travel has normalized again. If over the last decade you’ve enjoyed any aspect of my work, from blog posts and photos to the more recent podcast episodes, then I would implore you to become a patron and help me continue doing this work.

Please let me know if you have any questions or if there’s something you think I should add as a benefit to the Patreon community.

Thank you and safe travels!


The original content (article & images) is owned by Matt Long. Visit the site here for other interesting stories.

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