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Estonia Digital Nomad Visa: What You Need To Know

By: Kach Umandap - Howe

If you are a remote traveler and would like to stay in Europe for a long time, then Estonia has a great offer. Their Alien Act allows the digital nomad visa for international visitors, which is great. If you want to know more about Estonia Digital Nomad Visa, continue to read!

How To Apply For A Estonia Schengen Visa For Philippine Passport Holders
Photo by Ilya Orehov

Estonia is a country in the Balkans that will take about 2 hours of flight time from my home country, Montenegro.  This country is known for its town with beautiful medieval architecture and just less than an hour’s drive to a forest or lake. As per the World Health Organization, it also has the best air quality all over the world. It’s an excellent country to live, and they offer you the opportunity to do so with the Digital Nomad Visa.

Other articles you can read:

What are the Perks of the Estonia Digital Nomad Visa?

How To Apply For A Estonia Schengen Visa For Philippine Passport Holders

1. Digital nomads can visit, stay, and work in Estonia for up to a year

You don’t anymore need an Estonia Tourist visa that lets you stay for 1 or 3 months in Estonia but can stay for the long-term. You could also work freely in the country as a remote worker.

2. The cost of living in Estonia is lower than in other powerful countries

If you compare the cost of living between Estonia and the big countries like the USA, Canada, UK, France, Italy, Germany, Japan, Australia, it’s about 20 – 60% lower. But the quality of living is also really high and comparable to these big nations. It’s peaceful, safe, and people are friendly. What more could you ask for?

3. It’s available to all

Though this has not opened yet, there are no restrictions as to nationality when you apply for an Estonia Digital Nomad Visa. As long as you prove that you are a remote worker and have a stable income, you are eligible to apply for one. About 1,800 people can apply per year. However, your background needs to be carefully checked, like regular visa applicants.

Why does Estonia offer this?

  • This will help them recover due to the pandemic and progress in their country
  • More remote workers living in Estonia means they will spend money in the country – more income for them
  • Citizens will still have jobs – if you are a digital nomad, your clients are online, you won’t be applying for employment in Estonia and not take them from the locals
  • Help in the progress of the country

FAQs on Estonia Digital Nomad Visa

1. What is a Digital Nomad?

As per Wikipedia, a digital nomad is “a person relying on technology for income, mostly to support a nomadic way of life.” The work is done remotely, often from foreign countries and in much more desirable locations compared to an office, including coffee shops, libraries, hostels, airports, beaches, poolside, and mountains – anywhere you fancy, really.

2. How do you become one?

Well, you can read our articles on How to be A Digital Nomad, ….

3. How can I apply for an Estonia Digital Nomad Visa?

There are no instructions yet on how to apply, we will tell you as soon as it is available.

4. Is this starting already?

Not yet. But as per the government, it will be implemented gradually.

5. Are there other countries that offer Digital Nomad Visa.

Yes, you can check out Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Germany, Mexico, Norway, Portugal, and Spain.

How To Apply For A Estonia Schengen Visa For Philippine Passport Holders
Photo by Ilya Orehov

I hope you have learned about Estonia Digital Nomad Visa, here! If you want to stay in Europe for long, this will be a great and cheaper option. You can enjoy the fresh air and the beautiful country of Estonia as you work. Keep updated because we will soon publish an article when there are already guidelines on how!

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The original content (article & images) is owned by Kach Umandap - Howe. Visit the site here for other interesting stories.

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