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ETW #68 Heritage & Ancestral Travel

By: Matt Long

Northern ireland

Traveling to connect with one’s heritage and ancestry is one of the fastest growing styles of travel and with good reason. It’s fun to reconnect with one’s family and to see where we come from. This week we chat with two people who undertook their own very personal journeys & share how you too can travel to trace your family’s roots.

You can listen to the podcast here on this page or on any of these services: iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, Stitcher.

Maybe it’s an aging population or just some inherent curiosity we all seem to possess, but traveling to learn more about one’s family background has become increasingly popular in recent years. It’s a broad category though and can take many forms, from traveling to Ireland to reconnect with long lost cousins or traveling to more far flung outposts not to discover specific family records, but to reconnect with an entire community or even nation. These journeys aren’t your average vacations though, they’re oftentimes emotional in ways one would ever expect. To help us learn more about heritage and ancestral travel, this week I’ve invited two people who have tackled such journeys.

This Week’s Guests

Without A Path

Joe Bauer is an author, podcaster, and writer based in Berlin. He’s the author of Talking Tico detailing his a year of living in and traveling around Central America and the co-host of the Travel Tomorrow podcast. Currently, he’s finishing his next book project on moving to Germany, connecting with his Jewish heritage, and adapting to his new home overseas. You can find his work at and follow him on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

Becki Enright is a British Travel Press Award-winning writer and PR Consultant whose work focuses on changing perceptions about misunderstood aspects of destinations. Becki has appeared live on Sky News and CNN during topical news events, as well as being quoted in and writing for high profile media including National Geographic,, Guardian online and the New York Times

Living in Vienna, she is also a spokesperson for Austria tourism after a first of its kind year-long ambassador campaign and one of the core ambassadors for G Adventures and their Wanderers programme, exploring destinations worldwide where you can travel with positive social impact.

Learn more about Becki on her blog Borders of Adventure and be sure to follow her on Twitter and Instagram.

The original content (article & images) is owned by Matt Long. Visit the site here for other interesting stories.

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