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10 Reasons Why You Should Join a Small Group Tour

By: Two Monkeys Travel - Contributor

Are you thinking of traveling alone or joining a small group tour? If you’re new to a certain place or country, traveling in a small group tour is highly recommended. From saving money to meeting new people, these are just some of the advantages of being in a group tour.

If you’re still not convinced, then we have a list for you. In this article, we put the 10 reasons why you should join a small group tour.

Table of Contents

1. You’ll have private tour guides

If you will join a small group tour, you are most likely to have a knowledgeable tour guide. And of course, you’ll want to have that as you’re traveling not only to take instagrammable pictures but also to learn about the places or countries that you are going to.

Knowledgeable tour guides can also help you regarding the basic things that you must know while traveling. That includes the do’s and don’ts while you’re wandering around. If you are traveling alone, it might be quite confusing especially if your source is only the internet. This is one of the reasons why having a knowledgeable tour guide is an advantage.

2. You can get a chance to meet new friends

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Of course, there is a big chance that you’ll meet new people that shares the same interest as you — traveling! Considering having the same interest, that’s a potential friend, or maybe a lifetime friend. You can also learn from them or expand your connections when it comes to traveling (we know that this is one of the best things to consider when you travel — having connections).

Another reason is, pictures! If you are traveling alone it is quite awkward to ask strangers to take your picture on some of the beautiful destinations (especially if you like photography). But if you’re in a small group tour, you can become closer to the other members and they can be your “new” photographer. Of course, you need to do the same for them!

3. You’ll have a better connection with the locals

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Most tour guides are also locals in the place or the country that you are into, and because of that, there’s a big chance that you will get a deeper understanding of their culture. They can tell you a lot of things about their country or introduce you to some other locals they know (well, most tour guides do this). 

4. You can share your stories or experiences with others

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What’s the best thing about meeting new friends? It’s the fact that you can share your stories or experiences with them! And what’s the exciting thing about that? You know that they’re listening and interested in your stories as they also share the same feeling with you. Imagine talking about things you are really excited about with people who are willing to know about your experiences.

They may be strangers at first, but it will surely form a strong bond between you and the other members of the small group. And just like what most people say, “Sometimes it’s better to tell your stories and experiences to strangers.” 

5. Great value for money

Joining a small group tour means you can lessen your expenses. If you’re traveling alone, of course, you’ll spend everything by yourself, from food to accommodation. And that’s absolutely painful. But if you’re on a small group tour, you can have all the expenses paid even before your flight. Accommodation, tours, transportations, etc. All you need to bring is your bag, camera, and of course pocket money (depending on how much you want to spend).

6. Your personal belongings are safer and more secure

If you join a small group tour, you can make sure that your belongings are safe. You will know the names and faces of each member of your group and for that reason, of course, there is a low chance of stealing. And since you are all traveling together, no one would dare to steal something from you, unlike if you’re alone.

7. You don’t have to worry about paying for a single person

10 Reasons Why You Should Join a Small Group Tour

Traveling alone is fun and exciting! Sure. But if we’ll talk about money, it’s a little bit harsh. Imagine paying everything all for yourself. Accommodation, food, and transportation (especially taxis). But if you are in a group, you can always share money with each other if needed. Also, some tourist destinations offer higher prices if you’re alone than if you’re in a group.

8. Traveling in a small group is environmental friendly

10 Reasons Why You Should Join a Small Group Tour

You might wonder why but it is also one of the reasons why you should join a small group tour. If you travel in a group, the vehicle you’ll use will leave a much lighter carbon footprint than if each of you hired a car. Help the environment in your own little way, join a small group tour! 

9. You’ll get the chance to do more when you’re in a small group tour

10 Reasons Why You Should Join a Small Group Tour

Most small group tours have a very organized itinerary. You’ll most likely experience more things and visit a lot of places. You can even try some activities that are usually added to your IT. Tour guides always have something for the group, and it will make your trip more fun and exciting.

10. Less organizational hassle

Like what we mentioned above, all small group tours always have an organized itinerary. We all know that making an itinerary is a little bit confusing and time-consuming. But if you’re in a small group tour, you don’t have to worry about it, everything is settled up for you! You just have to wait for your departure then enjoy an adventurous trip!

With all these reasons why you should join a small group tour, we can understand the advantages of joining. And if you think about it, it is really fun to join one as you will see a different side of the world, not only because of the places you’d go to but also because of the people you will meet.

The original content (article & images) is owned by Two Monkeys Travel - Contributor. Visit the site here for other interesting stories.

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