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Luxury travel news this week

By: Paul Johnson

Here’s a round-up of luxury travel stories that have caught the eye this week. To make sure you receive these new weekly alerts in your web browser, please click on the red bell icon in the bottom right hand corner of the page and click ‘subscribe’ (works on desktop only – for other ways to subscribe, please click here). This will also alert you to any other posts on the blog. Should you wish, you can unsubscribe at any time, by clicking on the icon again and selecting ‘unsubscribe’.

The most romantic way to experience the Northern Lights

Travelers looking for a unique adventure that combines luxury and experiential travel, comfort and romance, should direct their gaze at the Arctic coast near Tromso, Norway. It is there that the hunt for the Aurora Borealis, as well as the hunt for the perfect spot to melt life’s glaciers with love, comes to fruition… [read more]

The best Winter sun activities in Qatar

Qatar might be a small nation, but it’s swiftly earning a big reputation when it comes to winter sun. With a reliable climate, one of the best-connected airports on the planet, long swathes of sandy coast and a futuristic city with a stellar skyline at its heart, it’s too often an overlooked option for late-year getaways… [read more]

Masoala peninsula: Madagascar’s last untouched rainforest

As the boat lurches over another huge wave, a whale slaps its massive tail, against the water in front. These mammals make Olympic gymnasts look like amateurs as they acrobatically lift their enormous bodies in gravity-defying displays. We’re traveling across Antongil Bay to the far-flung Masoala Forest Lodge on Masoala peninsula, a vast national park on Madagascar’s northeast coast, and the island’s last remaining untouched rainforest… [read more]

Michelin-starred chefs are elevating cruise ship cuisine to new heights

As the cruise market grows, the quality of food on board ships has become as important to some passengers as the exotic locations they can visit and the suites they snooze in between them. In response to rising expectations, a number of dining trends have emerged on board today’s resort-like cruise ships… [read more]

If you don’t finish this Antarctic marathon in time, you’re left behind

Are you an adventurous runner? Maybe you have completed marathons all over the country, or even the world. Is your taste for adventure matched only by your healthy bank account? If you’ve answered yes to these questions, and are searching for something even more adventurous than you’ve ever done before, we might have the answer for you. You may be a perfect candidate for the inaugural Race the Jet Marathon… [read more]

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The original content (article & images) is owned by Paul Johnson. Visit the site here for other interesting stories.

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