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Best places to travel solo: a female guide

By: Emma Neely

Solo travel is trending, there’s no doubt about it. In fact, one in four people say they’ll travel solo in the next year, and why not? No fighting over what you want to do, no one telling you that it’s not a good idea to stuff your face with a McDonalds in Bangkok at 2am (because it is), and you have total control of your itinerary… it’s the dream!

I’m Reema, female solo traveler, yogi and nature lover (follow me on Instagram @reemur). I’m an STA Travel Student Ambassador at University of California. With 13 countries already ticked off the list (China, Hong Kong & Thailand to name a few), and plans to live in Europe in 2019, I’m here to give you the low-down on places I think are great for solo female travelers…

My hope is that this guide will serve up some fresh inspiration of where you can go on your solo adventures.


Iceland is another absolutely stunning country to travel solo in. On the flipside of Thailand, it is rather expensive; shared hostel dorms will run you as much as $50 a night, and while renting a car or camper van is the best way to travel throughout the country, it can be pretty pricey. However; don’t let this stop you from going to Iceland! The country is home to literally thousands of waterfalls, lush rolling hills, and lots and lots of sheep. Check out STA Travel’s Iceland travel guide.

Australia and New Zealand

Australia and New Zealand, albeit a little pricey, are incredible countries to travel in. However, if you’re really looking for a long term travel experience, these countries serve as a great starting point for many female travelers, as they offer a Working Holiday Visa to select countries, such as the United Kingdom and the United States, to name a couple. More info on this page dedicated to working abroad! On this visa, you can work and live in Australia for up to two years (for some countries), and New Zealand has a similar visa as well. This is a great way to pay off your travel/living expenses and experience a new place! There are also plenty of ways that you can keep a trip down under, well, under a high price. Check out this guide to budgeting Australia’s East Coast.


Japan offers a rich experience to travelers who want to experience an Asian culture firsthand. Try out fresh ramen, sushi, and other Japanese delicacies if you’re a foodie – and explore dreamlike dramatic landscapes that will keep your Instagram feed looking fresh. Mount Fuji is definitely on my bucket list, not to mention the gorgeous forests and fishing villages that cover the country. Check out our Japan cheat sheet for loads of handy hints and tips!


Germany is a place I can’t recommend enough; Berlin is especially diverse in the people you’ll meet, the food you’ll eat, and the party scene on the streets. It’s relatively affordable for a European country; I found food for as cheap as 4 euros a meal, and loved all the different clubs and bars that offer quirky experiences. If an 80’s London Punk-themed club is your speed – Berlin has it. Currywurst at 3 a.m.? You got it. A bar filled with wooden plank rope swings? Only in Berlin.


The USA is my home – but also one of my favorite places to travel. If you’re an American, and a first time traveler, get a feel for exploration and adventure by seeing what America has to offer first! From San Francisco to New York City, Olympic National Park to Key West, Florida, there is so much to see and explore. My first real taste of the travel bug came from a trip up the Big Sur Coast in California, my home state! Plus, domestic travel is getting cheaper and cheaper with budget airlines like Frontier and Spirit. STA Travel have put together a great set of travel guides focusing on the USA.

Helpful safety hints while on the road

  • Don’t drink too much
  • Be aware of your surroundings
  • Wear a money pouch or fanny pack, or a crossbody purse with thick straps to avoid your purse being snatched; check out this guide to avoid pickpockets.

If you’re not done reading up on solo travel, then check out some of the best trips for solo travelers here! Don’t forget that despite the common risks, the world has never been a safer place than it is now for women to travel on their own, and that if you want to travel, you absolutely should. Still not 100% sure? We’ve busted six of the most common myths about solo travel – give it a read here. Stay safe and stay adventurous!

The original content (article & images) is owned by Emma Neely. Visit the site here for other interesting stories.

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