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4 Things to Do to Make Traveling Around the World More Fun

By: cnenad

The moments from my travels that I remember without the need to look at the photos are those when I had the the most fun.

While planning a trip is important, it should not be so restrictive that it limits your experience while putting you in constant worry mode.

Traveling is all about the experience and this doesn’t just apply to the visual side of things. If you want to have fun while traveling, you have to loosen up and restrict your planning a little bit. All I want to say is that you need to leave some space for the destination to engulf you in the new experience and to activate all of your senses.


Here are the Four Things You Can Do in Order to Spice Up Your Travels With a Little Bit of Fun:

Don’t Be Afraid To Make a Fool of Yourself

Everyone likes to laugh. How many times have you laughed on your travels when somebody made a fool of himself?

We tend to censor our behavior when we are traveling for any number of reasons. How many funny comments have you swallowed because you labeled them inappropriate? How many times were you too ashamed to ask where the toilets were?

These self-censoring habits are really limiting our experience while we are traveling. This is mainly because of the fear of getting embarrassed. Well, nobody died from feeling embarrassed, but it certainly did make people laugh.

Learn how to look your embarrassment in the eye and laugh at it. You will quickly become more open for new experiences and ready to look like a fool.  Trust me, this will get you many new friends on your travels.


Hang out With Local People

There is no travel guide, forum, or review website that can help you learn all about the destination you are visiting. This is why I recommend that you devote some time to meeting the locals. You will be surprised how welcoming and helpful people can be.

Fun is a subjective category and if you have some specific preferences, you can ask the locals for directions. One simple “Hey, is there anything fun to do around here?” will get you to incredible places. So far, that question has gotten me into a party on a remote island, paintball and wonderful dinner with a local family.


Visit a Concert

If you love to listen to the live music, you are definitely going to try this one. Now, I may guess that you think that concerts are expensive. But, trust me, thanks to the wonderful thing called the internet we can now get our hands on very cheap concert tickets.

You can step up your traveling game and organize your holiday just so that you can go to a concert of your favorite music star. You can join the different social media groups in order to meet new people that are also interested in visiting such an event. The more the merrier.

Don’t forget to take a few shots with your new friends before the concert. In any case, you will make new friends and definitely have fun if concerts are your cup of tea.


Take Public Transportation

If you really want to feel the pulse of the city you are visiting, you definitely have to take the public transportation. You will need a map, smartphone, bottle of water and the will to ask people for directions. I suggest that you to take the metro whenever you have to cover big distances.

If you are focusing on only one city, a bus is all you need. They make quite frequent stops, so you can get a good grasp of the area. Make sure to bring your camera with you. I made some of my best shots when I was wandering through the desolate streets of some of the world’s largest metropolises.


If you want to have more fun on your travels, try doing one of the things that I’ve listed above. In case you want to explore more ideas on how to have fun while you’re on the road, feel free to experiment and ask the locals for suggestions. I’m sure that you will find something interesting that will suit your tastes.

The original content (article & images) is owned by cnenad. Visit the site here for other interesting stories.

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