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Vienna in Austria is one of the most visited tourist destinations in the world. With a rich culture that boasts of the magnificence of the past, Vienna is a beautiful destination for the tourists who are quite interested in art, architecture, and culture. As Vienna has an age-old impact in the history of the world, there are a great many things to do and see at this place.

Thus, if you are a tourist and you would like to explore this place to the core, just a single day is not enough. You need at least 3 days to experience the real beauty of Vienna. However, if you have already bought your tickets on one of the cheap flights and you cannot spend more than a day in Vienna, get to know how you can date this city.

Step into the St. Stephen’s Cathedral in the Morning: The St. Stephen’s Cathedral has stood firm as the pillar of Catholicism in Vienna since 12th Century AD. Started out as a simple yet massive structure, the church was renovated and given a grand touch in the 16th Century AD. As St. Stephen’s Cathedral is a popular tourist destination, you should visit the church early in the morning to take a look at the magnificent architecture. Though the entrance is free of cost, visiting the treasure and the two towers – north and south, require an extra fee. However, the expense is worth it as the views of the city and the church are magnificent from there.

Get to Know the History at Time Travel in Vienna: After stepping out of St. Stephen’s Cathedral, head straight to Time Travel for a 50-minute demonstration of the history of Vienna. The 5-D show underground depicting the history of Vienna from the days of the Roman Empire to the modern times is an enriching experience. And, since you only have a day in hand, you will at least get to know the essence of this city when you visit Time Travel.


Get to Know Mozart at Albertina: If you visit Vienna and don’t pay respect to Mozart, you have not done justice to your trip. The Albertina museum will let you explore Mozart’s House and gaze at the magnificent paintings of Picasso and Monet to name a few. Though covering every section here in a single day is not always possible, you should definitely not miss out on the globe museum where you will find thousands of globes. It is indeed a treat to the eyes.

Grab Lunch at Augustinerkeller: The restaurant Augustinerkeller is situated right below Albertina and is a great place to grab lunch. As you enjoy the authentic taste of Viennese food, you can get a feeling of dining at a place that was the monastery cellar in the olden days. 

Take the City River Cruise: After a heavy lunch, you will not feel like hopping into a museum and walking all along. Thus, taking the river cruise is the best option at this time. The Danube River will definitely not disappoint you when you get a glimpse of the entire city. And, if you are running out of time and can’t explore the entire river, do explore the Danube Canal to be a part of this historic travel on water.


Ride the Ferris Wheel: The Ferris Wheel is the first giant wheel established in the world. This place is very popular among the tourists. There is usually a long queue at the ticket counter, and you might get your turn when twilight starts setting in. So, make sure you have kept aside enough time to experience this joy ride.

Once it gets dark, hopping into an authentic restaurant after the tiresome day does sound appealing. However, before you resign to bed after dinner, do take a quick stroll to witness the beauty of Vienna’s night sky.

Thus, boarding one of the cheap flights to Vienna will surely prove to be one of the most fabulous holidays that you have experienced so far. Hence, pack your bags and get going to relive the history of Vienna.


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