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Egypt amazes the world with new discoveries and renovations

By: Sherif Khalil

The ancient Egyptian civilization began 5,000 years ago when people started building villages next to the River Nile in northeast Africa. It lasted for around 3,000 years, and it continues to surprise the world with its new discoveries and renovations to this day. Researchers and archaeologists still discover fascinating facts, ancient tombs, mummies, and remains of the pharaohs. You can’t say that Egypt’s history is in the past because it continues to amaze us until now. Some of Egypt’s latest discoveries are:

Discovery of 110 burial sites in the Com Al-Khaljan area of Daqahliya

An Egyptian archaeological mission in Daqahliya has discovered over 100 burial sites which belong to three different Egyptian ancient eras: The Lower Egyptian era, pre-dynastic Egypt in 3000 BC, and the 15th Dynasty in 1650 BC.

The Tourism and Antiquities Ministry said that the graves, which contain human remains inside some of them, were uncovered at the Koum el-Khulgan archeological site in Daqahliya, located around 150 kilometers northeast of Cairo.

The graves contain about 68 oval-shaped tombs where most of the dead were buried in a squatting position, lying on their left side and their heads facing west. Among the dead was an infant buried in a jar which is considered a common funerary practice that still amazes the researchers to this day. These tombs belong to the Predynastic Period from 6000-3150 B.C when the Nile Valley was still split into Upper and Lower Egypt.

In addition, 37 rectangular-shaped tombs are also discovered from the Second Intermediate Period (1782-1570 B.C.), 31 of them are semi-rectangular-shaped holes that differ in depth between 20cm to 85 cm. All the human remains were found laid with their face up and the head looking towards the west.

The rest of the five tombs belong to the Naqada III period that extended from around 3200 B.C. to 3000 B.C. The five Naqada are all oval-shaped tombs carved into the sand. Two of them have a layer of mud protecting their sides, bottom, and roof. Funerary furniture was also discovered including cylinder-shaped and pear-shaped pottery jars.

Archeologists additionally discovered in these tombs, human remains of adults and children, pottery objects, amulets especially scarabs (some are made of semi-precious stones), jewelry such as earrings, and funerary equipment.

These tombs are extremely interesting because they combine some of the earliest eras of Ancient Egypt with another important period, the time of the Hyksos. The discovery is considered the latest in a series of archaeological discoveries in recent years which can be a very good reason to revive Egypt’s tourism sector.

Restoration of Cairo’s Dome of Mamluk Qansuh Abu Said

The Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, in participation with the Ministry of Housing, has finished the project of restoring the Sultan Qansuh Abu Said Dome in the eastern Mamluk Cemetery. The Dome of Sultan Qansuh has always been a part of Cairo since the date of its construction in 1499. It stands apart with its unique pattern interlocking arrow shapes across the exterior.

The structural and architectural renovation of the Sultan Qansuh dome has been completed, which includes the reinforcement of the walls and foundations, cleaning and restoring the dome’s four facades, the transition area, and the copper crescent of the dome.

The work was finished by installing windows decorated with stained glass, giving the dome an unusual look that enlightens its interior space and mirrors its unique character with colors that made its design elements sparkle.

In addition, an internal and external lighting system was installed, and the mihrab and ceiling chandeliers were renovated. Signs, panels, and surveillance cameras were installed as well, in order to help guests during their visit, and guarantee their safety.

The whole area around the dome was paved and smooth and decorated with a lot of plants that correspond with the nature of monuments.

Dr. Osama Talaat, head of the Islamic, Coptic, and Jewish Antiquities Sector, announced that the Dome of Sultan Qansuh Abu Said was constructed in 904 AH / 1498 AD by the Circassian Mamluk Sultan Qansuh Abu Said in the same year he was handed over to the Sultanate to be his burial ground. The dome was later known as the “Dome of Al-Ghafeer” as it was used as a residence for the area guard, “Al-Ghafir’’, and the land around it was called Torab El-Ghafir, or the guard’s cemetery.

Egypt is known for its rich history which has made a tapestry of cultural and archaeological treasures unmatched anywhere in the world. Travelers worldwide have been fascinated by the beauty of Egypt, its monuments, its unique civilization, and its amazing attractions. Don’t miss out on our tips to Egypt in order to witness this unusual history. We are offering different tour packages to all cities of the country, so you can have the best lifetime experience.

Sherif Khalil is Owner of Dunes & Beyond. Dunes & Beyond offers luxury tours, Nile cruises and desert safaris in Egypt.

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