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ETW #67 Interview with Adventurer & Inspirational Traveler Dave Cornthwaite

By: Matt Long

Nova Scotia Canada

Lots of people travel and many write about those travels, that’s nothing new. However, to undertake adventures that are truly unique and awe-spiring, that’s unusual but that’s the life of our guest this week Dave Cornthwaite. Dave isn’t only one of the most interesting and adventurous people I’ve ever met, he’s one of the most inspirational as you’ll hear for yourself on this week’s episode.

You can listen to the podcast here on this page or on any of these services: iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, Stitcher.

About Dave
Dave Cornthwaite is an expert at thinking about things differently. As a record-breaking adventurer he is best known for Expedition1000, an ongoing mission to take on twenty-five different non-motorised journeys, each over 1000 miles in distance. He’s completed fourteen of these, so far. In 2012 he founded SayYesMore, a life-fulfilling movement that helps nudge people towards finding out what they’re truly capable of. Dave travels, speaks, writes, presents and films for a living. His ever-evolving keynote speech is a motivating and inspirational kick up the backside for anyone who ever wondered whether they were capable of doing more. When not travelling, he lives on a boat in London with his wife, Emma, who is ever so glad that Dave has finally made up for being a total loser in his early twenties.

You can learn more about Dave on his website and follow him on both Instagram and Facebook. Please also be sure to check out his podcast, Self Propelled.

The original content (article & images) is owned by Matt Long. Visit the site here for other interesting stories.

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