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Quarantine hasn’t finished… yet you can plan your trip

By: Miguel Andy

The COVID-19 coronavirus has had a tremendous impact on every person of this world, from quarantine to losing loved ones against this sickness. That’s the very same case of many communities worldwide that chose to develop tourism as an alternative to extractive activities and as a way to protect the environment and their local culture. The main difference is they don’t have government insurance nor other help.

So, helping this Communities would be an experience of a lifetime, not only because of the visit to the marvelous places you will discover, but because planning now, may give them a hand now when they don’t receive any income. Some may offer early bird discounts for your holidays next year or give you the chance to get Vouchers so you can even have a perfect gift for someone near you. Now, how to step outside of your comfort zone and choose? Here are some aspects to help you taking a decision.

Napo Wildlife Center

Luxury travel at first class resorts is very nice and inviting, but what if you are looking to include more variables? Like something where ecological and responsibility are mixed too? If you are concerned about the planet and conservationism, then ecotourism is your best bet. Luckily, ecotourism has gone upmarket over the years and it is now possible to have an amazing holiday discovering natural wonders, without sacrificing comfort.

Unforgettable experiences with the local culture

Conservationism not only extends to all the wonderful animals and exotic plant life that exists around the world, but also to the human inhabitants of these places.  There, people are trying to preserve their way of life as best as they can, despite the encroachment of modern day, westernized life-style and thinking. Amazon people, for example, were there before the Columbus arrival to the American continent and have struggled to maintain their ancestral culture. Some Eco Lodges within Rainforest reserves are run by the forest tribes and by this method they keep alive their traditions and culture as guardians of the land.  You can learn about their customs and how they see their relationship with the land and not only their use of it, but also their responsibility towards it. A good lesson for everyone, but especially for children, who will become the guardians and decision makers of our world when they grow older.

Comunidad Kichwa Añangu

Ecological tours, a trip with purpose

Amazon adventure tours in the Ecuadorian jungle may well be a good example of what you are looking for. Not only to experience the wonders of the Amazon, but for those with children, it would be like giving them a treasured gift. Seeing by their own eyes fauna and flora in the wild, up close and personal, will be something to remember for the rest of their lives. A hands on lesson in nature and ecology that they won’t find in any classroom. They will definitely feel the difference after been in quarantine for some time.

Comunidad Kichwa Añangu

A destiny that pumps adrenaline

Amazonian holidays are all about getting back to nature and experiencing all of its gifts, but with a variety of species that you won’t find at home.  Depending on your particular interests, whether animals, plant life or insects, the native guides could steer you to their habitats, so you can observe them without harming them.  The ecology of the Amazon Basin is fragile, but carefully balanced ecotourism helps preserve this vitally important part of the world for future generations, not only for the indigenous forest dwellers, but also for nature lovers from all over the world.

Comunidad Kichwa Añangu

Ecotourism is a kind of advocacy and conservationism is at the heart of ecotourism. The idea of sustainability, relates to preserving for future generations to enjoy and learn.  All around the world, the wild lands are under threat because of human expansion and commercial interests, but your contribution by holidaying in one of the reserves, will help stem the tide.  Now, having a look on what Communities are offering now, will definitely help them to sail this coronavirus outbreak.

Miguel Andy is General Manager of Napo Wildlife Center. Napo Wildlife Center is an eco-lodge offering unforgettable experiences in the Amazon rainforest of Ecuador, inside Yasuni Biosphere Reserve, which is managed by the Añangu kichwa aboriginal community.

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The original content (article & images) is owned by Miguel Andy. Visit the site here for other interesting stories.

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