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How to stay healthy during coronavirus (and not lose your mind)


We’ve all read those posts about how to stay healthy when traveling, or how best to avoid germs on planes. But in these confusing and uncertain times, we now need to know how best to stay healthy when not traveling for the foreseeable future. Excuse us while we cry into our travel books for a second…

Apart from the obvious tips of washing your hands before and after you touch anything or eat, practicing social distancing, and not licking people, it’s equally as important to stay healthy mentally and emotionally as we power our way through self-isolation.

So, here’s our top five tips on how to stay healthy, mentally, physically and emotionally during coronavirus.

1. Get outside and move your body

“Roc ya body, mic check, 1, 2….” Listen to M.V.P., they know what they’re talking about. We’re travelers. And we’re humans (shock!). We’re made to move. While we can’t dance the night away at a tango club in Argentina or play volleyball with our new best mates on the beach in Thailand right now, it’s still key to move our bodies.

Don’t worry, Instagram is heaving with home-based workouts from fit personal trainers who are there to help those of us who have spent too much time eating Pad Thai and drinking Chang beers for days on end.

And make sure to get fresh air when you can; it’s amazing what being outdoors can do for your mental health. Just make sure when you leave the house it’s for essential things like exercise and food shopping!

2. Keep your routine

This is probably one of the most important tips. It can be tempting to work from bed in your pyjamas or veg out on the couch all day. It’s great the first few days but trust us, it gets old quick.

Your routine might need adjusting, but it pays to have one. Get up at your normal time, shower, get dressed and put make up on if it makes you feel more put together. Some people even wear shoes around the house. We’re opting for flip flops or bare feet and a pile of sand to stand in just so we can feel like we’re on our fave beach. It’s good to dream, right?

3. Stay social

Given that most of us are stuck indoors either alone or with annoying housemates/partners/family (who we obviously still love so much!), it’s important to stay connected. FaceTime, Skype or WhatsApp your family and friends and have lunchtime video calls with colleagues. Or do what we’re doing and organise fun Monday bingo games, partake in #WineWednesday or work together as a team for the Friday virtual pub quiz!

If you’re not usually much of a social butterfly, try something that requires less effort. Netflix Party lets you and your mates watch a movie and chat about it at the same time. Or ‘attend’ virtual live gigs and meditation sessions or even a pasta-making class from the hero that is Italian grandmother Nonna Nerina!

And if you’re in a new form of long-distance relationship, set up FaceTime dinner dates. Order each other Uber Eats and wait to see what turns up, then eat together.

4. Check-in with your thoughts

Never has paying attention to our mental health been so important. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a sceptical newbie, taking some time to check-in with your thoughts can do wonders for your mood and your ability to deal with difficult situations.

Try meditation apps like Headspace or Calm and practice daily journaling to really connect with yourself. It will also help you practice gratitude, so you can remember all the things you have to be grateful for when it seems like the world just isn’t on your side.

It’s a great habit to have anyway, but especially in times like these.

5. Get creative

One of the benefits of being in lockdown is that it gives you time to get to all the things you’ve been putting off or try something new. It also gives you a change to limit your screen and social media time. We know it’s hard to do in an age where internet is life, but your future self will thank you for it.

Learn that language you’ve always wanted to be fluent in so you can put it into practice on your future travels. Or learn a new hobby, whether it’s drawing, singing, yoga, gardening or sewing. Or sift through old travel photos and videos and reminisce. That’s how our Junior Copywriter Rae is coping with not being able to travel…

Give these tips a go while you’re waiting for the day when you can explore the world again.

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