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ETW #59 Travel to Incredible India

By: Matt Long

India Jaipur

Visiting India is intimidating for many travelers, so this week we’re chatting with an expert who offers her best tips, tricks and hacks for navigating the country. India is not your average travel destination, but as you’ll learn in this week’s podcast visiting is worth the extra effort.

You can listen to the podcast here on this page or on any of these services: iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, Stitcher.

Taj Mahal India

Although visiting India always interested me, I had put it off because of other people. Over the years I had noticed that thoughts and opinions about the subcontinent were intensely binary – people loved it or hated it with very little middle ground. That’s one reason why it took me so long to visit but with a little preparation and the incredible help of tour operator Abercrombie & Kent, I enjoyed a trip that I know I’ll never forget.

Traveling in India isn’t easy though and it certainly takes more preparation than most other trips. This week we’re joined by travel writer and India travel expert Mariellen Ward who tells us everything we need to know about navigating the subcontinent.

Mariellen Ward started travelling in 2005 with an epic six-month trip to India. She was both following her dreams and trying to recover from depression following a series of devastating losses. On that first trip to India, she fell in love with travel, with India, and with travel blogging — and she has been doing all three ever since. She has spent more than 6 years of the last 14 in India, and now lives in North India — in Rishikesh, the Yoga capital of the world. Though Canadian by birth, Mariellen considers India to be her “soul culture.” With her travel blog, Breathedreamgo, and her custom travel company, India for Beginners, she tries to encourage and help other female travelers to go after their dreams. Also be sure to follow Mariellen on Instagram for more travel inspiration.

Below are links to topics we chatted about during the podcast:

What to pack for India

Women’s travel tips and safety

What to wear in India

Famous foods of India

Yoga in India 

The original content (article & images) is owned by Matt Long. Visit the site here for other interesting stories.

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