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Coronavirus Outbreak: Tips to Keep Yourself Safe on Travel

By: Sean19891

The widespread of coronavirus in China has prompted a global fear of traveling.

However, the following tips and tricks might help in reducing travelers' concerns.

First of all, do NOT panic. Hoarding food and toilet paper is NOT helping the situation!

In the end it's a flu and the different countries try to limit its spread, so that the health systems can handle the situation and can take care of the people who are in need.

Several countries have decided to lock down specific areas and also some of the major companies and airlines have suspended business operations and traveling in the country. 

Tech giants like Facebook and Microsoft asked its employees to restrict their travel plans and suggests to work from home. Major banks like Standard Chartered and Commonwealth Bank of Australia also asked its employees to suspend non-essential trips. 

What is Coronavirus and what are the symptoms

Novel Coronavirus also called 2019-nCoV, is a member of the coronavirus family. Like other viruses from the coronavirus family, novel coronavirus also comes from animals. 

According to medical reports, coronavirus causes severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome (MERS).

In 2002, SARS widely spread to 37 counties causing more than 750 deaths, infecting 8,000 people and caused global panic. On the other hand, MERS has greater lethality that killed 35% of 2,500 infected people. 

Originally spreading from animals, coronavirus now seems to spread from person to person. And not only in China but many more countries are reportedly hosting the lethal virus. 

Symptoms of coronavirus are severe coughing, fever and breathing difficulties. This viral pneumonia seems unaffected by antibiotics. The usual antiviral drugs we have to cure fever won't work against it either. 

People infected and diagnosed with coronavirus and who got a bad immune system should be admitted to the hospital immediately as this dangerous virus can cause organ failure in extreme cases, and the hospital may restrict serious organ damage. 

How to Keep Yourself Safe on Travel in Coronavirus Affected Countries 

Even after knowing that the deadly coronavirus continues to spread in China and other countries, some of us still need to travel. In this case, it's our responsibility to be prepared and guard ourselves against the viral disease. 

Information is the Key

Constantly spreading viruses like Novel Coronavirus requires constant updates. To get all the latest information regarding scientists at WHO and CDC have the up-to-date intel on coronavirus situations around the world. They provide all the information, advice and even details about travel restriction.

By having access to a high-speed internet availability on your travel you can stay connected with WHO and CDC for coronavirus updates.

Keep on Washing Your Hands

Minor and major flu viruses are capable of spreading from hands. Therefore, it's important to wash your hands often especially after coughing, sneezing or blowing the nose. 

According to Mayo Clinic, the best way to properly wash hands is to sing “Happy Birthday” song twice. In addition, scrubbing your hands with warm running water and soap for 20 seconds frequently, decreases the risk of catching flu viruses as secure as coronavirus. 

In case you do not have soap, water or sink available nearby you can use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. 

Choose Windows Seat on Your Flight

Passengers seated in the aisle are more likely to be infected with viruses as compared to those who sit near the window, say researchers.

This is because people sitting near the aisle are close to more passengers and therefore are vulnerable to persons to person spreading viruses, like coronavirus. 

Avoid Constantly Touching Your Face

According to the National Academics of Sciences. Engineering. Medicine, most of the flu causing viruses and bacteria enter our body through the mucous membrane. The mucous membrane present in our mouth, nose, and eyes upon encounter allows viruses to invade our bodies. Therefore, it is better to keep your hands away from your mouth as even after washing your hands are prone to re-contaminated immediately. 

Sneeze and Cough into Elbow

It might sound weird, but coughing or sneezing into your elbow is safer than covering a cough or sneeze with hands. This is because when you cough into your hands you save the tiny droplets from your mouth from spraying into the air but your hand becomes contaminated. In addition, inevitably you’ll touch something or someone and might start a chain of infected people on your trip. 


Although the tips mentioned above are helpful to keep travelers healthy and safe from deadly viruses like novel coronavirus, considering canceling your traveling plans to majorly infected cities can be a far better choice.  

Even after staying super-conscious about your health, if you fall sick while traveling it's your responsibility to keep your germs to yourself. 

The original content (article & images) is owned by Sean19891. Visit the site here for other interesting stories.

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