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ETW #39 Inappropriate Travel With Spud Hilton

By: Matt Long

France Paris

This week we’re chatting with the host of the “Inappropriate Traveler” podcast, the always insightful and hilarious Spud Hilton. Spud has spent a career poking fun at the travel industry and this week he joins us to chat about travel writing and why it’s important to be an inappropriate traveler.

You can listen to the podcast here on this page or on any of these services: iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, Stitcher.

I’ve loved working in the travel industry, but at times some writers tend to gloss over details that may be negative or inappropriate. The fact is, we’ve all had embarrassing encounters while traveling, which is what we’re talking about this week with travel writer and podcaster Spud Hilton.

Spud Hilton is a travel writer, consultant and keynote speaker who during almost 20 years in the Travel section of the San Francisco Chronicle earned 13 Lowell Thomas Awards for travel journalism. Most recently, he is the founder and host of the Inappropriate Traveler podcast, which focuses on the fun, messy, naughty side of travel, and takes on some of its most tired cliches. He also co-hosts the This Week in Travel podcast.

You can find Spud on his web site as well as his Inappropriate Traveler podcast.

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The original content (article & images) is owned by Matt Long. Visit the site here for other interesting stories.

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