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50 Best Beach Quotes for Instagram Captions

By: Two Monkeys Travel - Contributor

A beach can be a place to escape. It’s a refuge for many. The rolling waves can be chaotic and calm. A haven for people just waiting to be discovered. 

A Short Guide to Traveling in the Bahamas

I collected some of the best beach quotes from short beach quotes to a more serious beach life quotes. Also included are beach captions that may help you crave for a little time off. These beach life quotes may just inspire you to get on your feet and pack your sunscreen.  I personally love reading beach quotes, I mean who doesn’t? They trigger some kind of happy hormones from remembering your past beach trips, if not, beach quotes make me want to mark my calendar for the next vacation.  

There is nothing more relaxing in the world than itchy beach sand on the skin and a little bit sunburn on the cheeks. 

Let’s get that salty hair and tan lines worth it for these best beach quotes

Table of Contents

1. To escape and sit quietly on the beach – that’s my idea of paradise. – Emilia Wickstead

2. The sea does not reward those who are too anxious, too greedy, or too impatient. One should lie empty, open, choiceless as a beach – waiting for a gift from the sea. – Anne Morrow Lindbergh

3. After a visit to the beach, it’s hard to believe that we live in a material world. – Pam Shaw

4. Catch a wave and you’ll be sittin’ on top of the world.

5. B.E.A.C.H.: Best Escape Anyone Can Have. – Unknown

6. One cannot collect all the beautiful shells on the beach. One can collect only a few, and they are more beautiful if they are few. – Anne Morrow Lindbergh

7. I honestly think the beach is the only place children actually entertain themselves. – Donna McLavy

8. In every outthrust headland, in every curving beach, in every grain of sand there is the story of the earth. Rachel Carson

9. Give me coffee to change the things I can, and the beach to accept the things I can’t. – Unknown

10. In this big ball of people, I’m just one grain of sand on this beach. – Aurora

11. At the beach, life is different. Time doesn’t move hour to hour but mood to moment. We live by the currents, plan by the tides and follow the sun. – Sandy Gingras

12. Once your feet have touched the warm sun drenched sand of the seashore you will never ever be the same. Patsy Gant

13. Time wasted at the beach is time well spent. – Unknown

14. If there’s heaven for me, I’m sure it has a beach attached to it. – Jimmy Buffett

15. One learns first of all in beach living the art of shedding; how little one can get along with, not how much. – Anne Morrow Lindbergh

16. The beach is truly home, its broad expanse of sand as welcoming as a mother’s open arms. What’s more, this landscape, which extends as far as the eye can see, always reminds me of possibility. Joan Anderson

17. Because there’s nothing more beautiful than the way the ocean refuses to stop kissing the shoreline, no matter how many times it’s sent away. – Sarah Kay

18. Beach is cheaper than therapy. – Unknown 

19. I believe in the ocean curing all bad moods. I believe in the waves wiping away worries. I believe in seashells bringing good luck. I believe in toes in the sand grounding my soul. – Unknown

20. Every time I stand before a beautiful beach, its waves seem to whisper to me: If you choose the simple things and find joy in nature’s simple treasures, life and living need not be so hard. – Psyche Roxas-Mendoza

21. Our memories of the ocean will linger on, long after our footprints in the sand are gone. – Anonymous

22. Worry is something you can make as big as the tallest mountain, or as small as a pebble on the beach. It is up to you to decide which you would rather have. Byron Pulsifer

23. She would be half a planet away, floating in a turquoise sea, dancing by moonlight to flamenco guitar. – Janet Fitch

24. The beach is not a place to work; to read, write or to think. – Anne Morrow Lindbergh

25. Individually we are one drop. Together we are an ocean. – Ryunosuke Satoro

26. A walk on the Beach is worth a Thousand Words. – Juli Rowe

27. I read and walked for miles at night along the beach, writing bad blank verse and searching endlessly for someone wonderful who would step out of the darkness and change my life. It never crossed my mind that that person could be me. – Anna Quindlen

28. Happiness is a day at the beach with sand between my toes and sunburn on my nose

29. Ocean, n. A body of water occupying about two-thirds of a world made for man — who has no gills. – Ambrose Bierce

30. I miss the beach, the peace it brings you. I love the sound and smell of the sea. – Genesis Rodriguez

31. Advice from the Ocean: Be shore of yourself. Come out of your shell. Take time to coast. Avoid pier pressure. Sea life’s beauty. Don’t get so tide down on work that you miss out on life’s beautiful waves. – Unknown

32. At night, when the sky is full of stars and the sea is still you get the wonderful sensation that you are floating in space. – Natalie Wood

33. Beaches are God’s poetry. Steve Maraboli

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34. You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is like an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty. – Mahatma Gandhi

35. Sometimes in the waves of change we find our true direction. – Unknown

36. I followed my heart, and it led me to the beach. – Odyssey

37. There is no question that the beaches that our grandchildren will play on will be different from ours. The important question is whether they will be better or worse. Orrin H. Pilkey

38. A pool just isn’t the same as the ocean. It has no energy. No life. – Linda Gerber

39. Only worry in the world is the tide gonna reach my chair. – Zac Brown Band

40. The beach is not always a place, sometimes it’s a feeling. – Unknown

41. The cure for anything is saltwater: sweat, tears or the sea. – Karen Blixen

42. I miss being on beach vacation and never knowing what day of the week it is.  – Unknown

43. Everyone should believe in something. I believe I should go to the beach. – Unknown

44. I dropped a tear in the ocean, and whenever they find it I’ll stop loving you, only then. – Anonymous

45. Writers begin with a grain of sand, and then create a beach. – Robert Black

46. Remember that you are the ocean. And no one, not even the moon itself is allowed to control your glorious, beautiful tides. – Nikita Gill,

47. As the ocean is never full of water, so is the heart never full of love – Unknown

48. Don’t grow up too quickly, lest you forget how much you love the beach. – Michelle Held

49. Serenity is found somewhere between the sky and the sand. – Unknown,

50. Life is always better at the beach. – Unknown

The best medicine for anything aching is vitamin SEA. Notice how the beach can just cure all broken things. When we are sad, lonely, brokenhearted, bored, confused and guilty, we just want to feel the sand brushing against our feet while the waves are slowly washing it away. The salty air is somehow relieving. Just staring at the horizon while it just nonchalantly fading away into a fireball and dispersing its tint like paint in a canvass. 

But funny how the beach can drown your sorrows, it can also uplift you at the same time. The solitude of the shore shows a perfect reflection of your self and you will just realize that the world is deeper and bigger than you. 

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