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5 Reasons to Go on a Cruise This Fall

By: Dixie Somers

Summer is winding down, the kids are back in school, and Fall is just around the corner.

Vacation season is over, you say? Nonsense. Holiday stress will be here before you know it, so how about treating yourself to one last getaway before the year ends? A fall cruise makes perfect sense. Let’s talk about why.

5 Reasons to Plan a Fall Cruise Trip

Beat the Heat

Have you ever been on a summer cruise, and found yourself doing more sweating than relaxing? Since we’re talking September through December, that’s definitely going to be less of an issue here.

If you’re looking to beat the heat, consider a Mediterranean cruise.

Escape the Cold

The opposite of reason #1 makes sense for some people. Especially if you live in the northern U.S., Fall may have already brought some chills your way, and a getaway to some warm sun might be just what the doctor ordered.

If this is you, think about the Caribbean.


Any foliage freaks out there?

A fall cruise to New England or Canada is a perfect opportunity to see some of the lushest leaf-changing scenes on earth.

Consider Alaska, too: if glaciers and beautiful sunsets are more your thing, September is a good time to save money on an off-season Alaska cruise.

Fewer People (especially kids)

According to Gallup, most vacationers take their trips in May, June, and July. It would make sense, then, that your ship is less likely to be crowded on a Fall cruise.

As an added bonus, lighter crowds put downward pressure on prices. Also, kids are back in school, so if you’re hoping for more of an adult vibe, Fall is your time to go.

Easy to Book and Budget For

This is true for cruises taken any time of year, but it’s a major reason why they’re so attractive: cruises are incredibly easy to budget for.

Meals and accommodations are typically included in the ticket price, so you know in advance exactly what you’re going to spend. No surprises = no stress. Just show up and enjoy. If you’d like the vacation planned more thoroughly, you can always contact an agent at a company.

A cruise is an outstanding idea just about any time of the year, but as you can see, a Fall one makes as much sense as one at any other time.

Great scenery, milder weather (whether it’s warmth or coolness that you’re seeking), fewer people, easy booking...sounds alright, doesn’t it? Book today and thank us later.

The original content (article & images) is owned by Dixie Somers. Visit the site here for other interesting stories.

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