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5 of the most romantic places to propose on a Rwanda tour

By: Kalitta Belinda

Plan on proposing to your partner on your upcoming tour in Rwanda, but have no idea how to work it into your schedule? In this article, we’ll talk about five places that would make perfect venues for a marriage proposal while in Rwanda.

proposing on a Rwanda safari

Top of Mount Bisoke crater

If you and your significant other are both active adults, consider proposing to him or her at the edge of the Mount Bisoke crater lake while visiting Rwanda. Standing at 12,000 feet above sea level, it towers over the surrounding jungle, meaning you and your partner will have to put in considerable work in order to reach the top.

mount Bisoke crater lake

That said, it can be easily done in a day, with fit hikers able to make the trek to the top and back in six hours. Once you do get to the crest of this peak, though, the view over the land below and of the ethereal crater lake behind you will be so transfixing, the only thing that could ever top it is the posing of a simple question.

In this moment, the earth won’t be the only thing that’s trembling (Bisoke is still an active volcano), so take your time and reach for the ring box smoothly so you don’t mess up the most important moment of your life in front of your partner and the porters assigned to carry your gear.
Once you do pull it off, though, the hike down will be a thing of beauty. Take care, though – feeling lighter than air may lead you to skip down the slope; we wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself, so take your time and enjoy each other’s company.

While gorilla trekking

Along with Uganda, Rwanda is known the world over for being one of the few places on Earth where you can still see gorillas in their natural habitat.

gorilla trekking in Rwanda

Given that they share more than 98% of our DNA, it is hard to believe that we almost let our evolutionary cousins be killed/hunted to extinction in the last century.

Thanks to the intervention of conservationists, though, the numbers of the mountain gorilla are on the rebound, and with an intensely profitable tourism industry growing up around them, it seems like they will be here to stay for the foreseeable future.

At first glance, this may not appear to be an activity terribly conducive to romance, let alone a surprise wedding proposal. After all, you’ll have to bushwhack your way through thick jungle, pull your way up steep slopes, and cope with the body odour of other travelers in your group.

However, the otherworldly encounter you’ll have with some of our closest cousins in the animal kingdom will have your partner feeling a sense of awe, unlike anything they’ve felt before. It is when they are in this headspace when you’ll want to elevate their day from the best they’ve had in years to the best ever.

Just one note, though – wait until you have finished your time with the gorillas before dropping down on one knee, as the commotion caused by this event could unsettle the massive beasts, which could lead to a dangerous situation for everyone involved.

Canopy walk in Nyungwe

Of all the parks in Rwanda, Nyungwe is one of the most majestic. A park set aside to protect a mountain rainforest from being logged, it boasts groves of tall, old growth trees which are an excellent habitat for countless plant and animal species.

canopy walk in nyungwe forest Rwanda

There may be treks you can do within this forest park that will intrigue you, there is nothing like doing its canopy walk to get a sense of how big the trees are here, as well as all the life which calls their upper echelons home.

While it is not the best choice for those who fear heights, the birds, butterflies, and the monkeys which swing from branch to branch up in the canopy has the potential to grant an unforgettable experience for the two of you.

Once you are high above the world, with the glory of the Nyungwe Forest all around you, send your partner to cloud nine with the words they’ve been longing to hear for years – will you marry me?

Along the shores of Lake Kivu

All this talk of proposing while trekking has you reeling – in your mind, there isn’t the slightest thing romantic about popping the question to your love while you are grinding your way up a mountain, sweating in the jungle, or swinging 60 metres above the forest floor.
Lake Kivu Rwanda

Fair enough – there is a place in Rwanda that checks most of the boxes off when it comes to creating a romantic ambience – that spot is Lake Kivu. A placid lake lined with beaches and relaxing resorts, this is the perfect destination to come to after you’ve adventured yourself out.

With a few days to wine, dine, and relax with your loved one, the time will come, likely at sunset along the lake shore, when you’ll suddenly sink to one knee and ask the most important question of your life – here’s hoping you get the answer you’re looking for!

Chimpanzee tracking in Nyungwe

Rwanda may be known for being one of the countries where mountain gorillas can be found, but it is also home to a population of another well-loved primate species – the chimpanzee.

chimpanzee tracking Rwanda

Found in the lower elevations of Nyungwe Park, this playful monkey can be harder to track to their quick movements, but the lower cost of their tracking permit makes it more accessible if you don’t have tons of money lying around.

Chimps are also very close genetic cousins of humans, as they also share 98% of our DNA. The wonder they exhibit while sizing us up will make this a special experience, one made all the more special by a little ‘surprise’ you’ll have for your partner on the way back to camp.

Kalitta Belinda is the Tours Manager at Wild Rwanda Safaris.

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The original content (article & images) is owned by Kalitta Belinda. Visit the site here for other interesting stories.

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