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The Most Delicious Vietnamese Noodle Soups

By: Ivan Duyduc

Vietnam is a country famed for its delicious cuisine, particularly its soups.

Here is a list of some of the Vietnam's most delicious noodle soups:

Noodles With Fried Meat Balls 

This is a familiar dish of the Hanoi people. It is also listed in the 10 most delicious street foods in the world. During his visit to Vietnam, former president of the US, Barack Obama, enjoyed this dish.
The dish contains two kinds of pork rolls that are fried meat slices and fried meat balls, a plate of noodles and a bowl of sweet and sour fish sauce. What make this dish so special and aromatic is the dipping sauce served with fresh herbs like lettuce, perilla, marjoram, coriander and bean sprouts. Wouldn’t you love to try it?

Noodle Soup With Pork Rolls and Fried Eggs

This dish is listed as a “specialty” in Hanoi. It is not only famous for its taste but also involves sophisticated cooking. The ingredients to make the soup include shrimp, duck eggs, pork rolls and mushrooms.
Pork rolls, fried eggs and chicken are thinly sliced. Some herbs like coriander and marjoram will be minced. All will be put cleverly into a bowl of noodle soup to make the dish so colorful and tasty. When serving, it will be often eaten with vinegar, chili, garlic, pepper or a little shrimp paste.

Noodle Soup With Fried Fish 

Depending on the region, there will be different ways to cook the fried fish noodle soup. Normally, a bowl of delicious fried fish noodle soup will have fried fish (main ingredient), fried tofu, herbs, spinach, noodles and broth. This soup needs to be served when it is still hot.

Noodle Soup With Snails

The snail noodle soup is a typical dish of Hanoi and employs a  sophisticated and subtle way of cooking to bring out the unique taste.
This soups also has stir fried snails, fried tofu, green banana, the morning glory vegetable, bean sprouts and tomato. Served with the snail noodle soup is spicy fried chili, shrimp paste and herbs. A Hanoi street food tour will enable you to visit around the Old Quarter to enjoy all the typical dishes, including this tasty noodle soup.

Noodle Soup with Minced Pork Balls

The main ingredients of the noodle soup are noodles, pork rolls, minced pork balls, pork shank or ribs. When serving, locals often add all kinds of ingredients into a bowl- fried onion, sliced spring rolls and ladle the broth on the top. Before eating, they will mix it up to enjoy the taste fully.

Hue Style Beef Noodle Soup 

The main ingredients of this soup is noodle, beef, pork shank and typically red broth. What makes the broth special is that the cooker often adds a little meat floss sauce.
It will be often served with chili powder, herbs like bean sprouts, lettuce, spinach and sliced banana flower.

Bun Mam

Bun mam is the specialty of the Southern region of Vietnam with local fish like “Ca Linh” (Cirrhinus caudimaculatus) or “Ca Sac” (Snakeskin gourami) and other ingredients such as shrimp, cuttlefish or roasted pork, depending on different ways of cooking of each region.
Bun mam has the sweet broth cooked from mam ca loc (fermented fish paste) or mam tom (fermented shrimp paste), pork bones, seafood. It is served with local vegetables like knotgrass, water lily vegetables and so on.

The original content (article & images) is owned by Ivan Duyduc. Visit the site here for other interesting stories.

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