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Animals You'll See at Addo Elephant National Park

By: Anthea Adams

A majestic setting: the Addo Elephant National Park is the third largest national park in South Africa. Its breath-taking landscape encompasses a diverse stretch over a semi-arid karoo, the Zuurberg Mountains, and the Sundays River Valley.

Add to the combination fauna and flora as well as fascinating wildlife animals and you in for an amazing safari experience. Here are some of the animals you’ll see at the Addo Elephant National Park. 

Animals at Addo Elephant National Park


The lion is one of the big five game animals, and at Addo Elephant National Park they are most likely to be found in the southern section of the park. In late 2003, the first six lions were introduced to the park and have grown in numbers as well as adapted well to the environment of the game park. During the early hours of the morning, sunset, or night game drives are the best times to spot lions.


Did you know that the hyena is Africa’s most common large carnivore? Hyenas are known for being bold and dangerous, which is why they’re considered to be one of the most skilled predators. Back in 2003, hyenas were also introduced to the park to fulfil a similar role as the lion, which is to balance the ecosystems in the park. Contrast to hyenas being skilled animals, they are known to be shy and elusive, therefore, if you’re looking to see them up close it’s best to do so by venturing on a game drive adventure.


Leopards have a great edge for survival in the wild as they’re experts at climbing trees. Their ability to get high up in trees give them an advantage to go undetected and pounce on their prey unexpectedly. At the game park, leopards have become accustomed to safari vehicles and actually use the vehicles as blinds to hide from prey and plan their move. The best time to spot leopards are during the evening as that is when they’re most active. It is during the night that these nocturnal creatures prove that they’re above the average wildlife predator as they are extremely skilled at catching their prey with stealthy movement.

Black rhinos

Due to the European influence in the 19th century, the black rhino had been hunted relentlessly across Africa and now nears extinction. Today, there are approximately 2 500 black rhinos scattered across Africa. At the Addo Elephant Park you’ll get to see these amazingly fast wildlife creatures in their natural habitat. Game drives at night as well as sunrise and sunset is the best time to spot black rhinos at Addo Elephant Park.


Buffaloes are social creatures, which is why they move in large herds. Their natural habitats are woodlands, savannahs and lowland rain forest that are in close proximity to water. The buffalo is a member of the Big Five animal group, along with the elephant, lion, leopard and rhino. The wild life animal is considered to be unpredictable and dangerous, particularly when cornered or wounded.


The largest land animal in the world and the only animal that cannot jump, the elephant is an interesting animal to see up close at a game park. Addo Elephant National Park is home to more than 450 elephants. Game drives during the day and during the evening entails that you’ll get to see these amazingly large creatures. Elephants are known as social creatures, particularly as they “purr” like cats as a means of communication.

Travel tip shared by Anthea Adams


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