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10 Best Dishes You Should Try in Havana, Cuba

By: Kach Medina

Upgrade your knowledge with Cuba other than its vintage cars and world-class cigars by breaking into its cuisine and mouth-watering dishes you should not miss. Cuban cuisine is blended by American, Spanish, African and Caribbean cuisines, resulting in a special, tasty and flavourful blend. Havana is the capital of Cuba; it is popular for a wide array of attractions to see. In addition, food in Havana also attracts people from all over the world too.

Cuba Travel Guide for Filipino and British - Havana from above

Old Havana!

The list for making the most of your Havana trip is quite long for sure like watching the unending parade of its vintage cars, side by side cigar shops, diving to its culture or maybe dusting off your Spanish and trying to make a conversation with a local? However, your visit here will never be complete if you will pass on its unique Havana food. You will also be surprised as Cuban loves black beans; they serve this almost with all kinds of meal as a side dish. To guide you with your epic Havana trip, I compiled 10 Best Food in Havana, Cuba.

1. Chiviricos (Fried Dough)

Who doesn’t like fried dough? Try this very popular street food in Havana. Good for snack or small bites at any time of the day. Despite that this is crispy, chewy and greasy; fans of this snack are sometimes asked to stand in queue.

2. Goat Platter

Goat Platter or Fricasse de Carnero is popular in Havana. Some locals even declare that Havana has the finest Fricasse de Carnero in the country. This dish is available in a local eatery, restaurants and even at the fine dining. This dish is made out of tender chunks of stewed goat served on Arroz Morro, with white rice, black beans and yucca and salad as side dish.

3. Pan Con Bistec

This dish is torn between a satisfying snack and a great choice of dinner or lunch. You can easily find these on small street shops or even in restaurants. This mouth-watering dish is made out of fried pork steak, garlic and onions which will be in between of two slices of bread.

4. Empanada

You can have this enticing empanada with various kind of meat. A few walk to almost all restaurants around, you should not have a hard time of finding this appetizing snack.

5. Ropa Vieja

This heavenly shredded beef with huge variety of vegetables can be served with tortillas or on top of the rice. This recipe is clearly an inherited dish from Spain and the Caribbean. Ropa Vieja can either enjoy for lunch or dinner.

6. Tamal En Casuela

This is a corn porridge that will satisfy your curiosity about Cuban dishes. Cooked in pot, which can be serve as an appetizer. If you’re looking for more fulfilling version, some places cook this with cornmeal dough and tender pork.

7. Arroz con Pollo

The name of the dish will be literally translated as chicken rice. A traditional dish from Spain, yet this is also one of the most beloved chicken dishes in Havana, even in the Caribbean.  People say that this dish is somewhat related to Paella. If you’re looking for a fulfilling dish, this one is the best. Made out of chicken, oregano, cumin, white pepper and red wine vinegar, partnered with rice.

8. El Fufu de Platano Cubano

Also called as Mofongo in the other countries, this is a thick paste usually made from the starchy vegetables that is served with rice. This a good partner with any other meaty dishes. A hearty dish of mashed plantain, you can mix with chicharrones or pork, chicken stock and mashed potato.

9. Fricasse

If there is a dish from Havana that you want to try cooking when you get back home, this is your star. This favourite meal that Cubans loved to share together is made out of stewed pork or chicken, cabbage, tomato salad, beans and yucca. This appetizing dish is partnered with rice.

10. Grilled Lobster and Fried Calamari

A capital that is neighbouring the sea is no doubt having the best seafood. If you’re a seafood lover like me, I suggest you to never ever leave without tasting these heavenly dishes that will surely make you fall in love more with Havana, Cuba.

EXTRA: Try the Churros!!

Churros for Breakfast - Cuba Travel Guide for Filipinos and British

If the room in your stomach permits try all these dishes and let us know which one is your favorite!


The original content (article & images) is owned by Kach Medina. Visit the site here for other interesting stories.

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